Implant Retained Dentures | The Denture Practice Skip to main content

Are You Looking For Fixed Dentures?

We can give you the teeth of your dreams!

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Why Choose Implant Retained Dentures?

The secure and stable fit of Implant Retained Dentures allows you to eat, talk and laugh without any anxieties of your teeth coming loose. They can easily be removed for flossing or brushing, an important consideration when the patient is not very dexterous or where there is considerable bone loss.

Further advantages of Implant Retained Dentures include:

  • Improved chewing and taste
  • Elimination of sore spots and pressure points
  • Improved speech and functionality
  • Improved digestion and general health
  • Implant Retained Dentures are palate free

Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures are very common types of dentures and have been around for many years, often with great results for the wearer. They are held in place by the natural shape of the gums and are a good option where the fit is comfortable and stable. However this is not necessarily the best solution for some people. As we have already said the “one size fits all” philosophy is not one we adhere to at The Denture Practice, where we believe a tailor made bespoke solution will lead to more comfortable dentures.

Some wearers of traditional dentures can suffer from serious problems as a result of the poor fit, leading to a lack of confidence and irritation to the gums and mouth.  The bottom denture can be very unstable and loose, and can be moved out of place by the tongue or natural movements in the mouth.  This can not only lead to discomfort and pain, but can also be very embarrassing to the wearer.

Dentures that do not fit correctly can cause pain and irritation due to the simple fact that gums are not naturally designed to support dentures.  This could lead to loss of gum tissue with the possibility of further tooth loss  Upper dentures are usually better at providing a more stable fit, but they can adversely affect the palate making it harder for the wearer to enjoy the simple pleasures of eating and drinking.

That is why it is essential to be reviewed and assisted by highly trained professionals, all the way through to the manufacturing process, which is carried out at our own on site laboratory.  This seamless process will ensure the best fitting dentures.  Our team works closely to ensure your best smile.  We cannot stress enough the benefits of having the whole process on site from initial consultation to the completed product.  Any adjustments can be made immediately, eliminating any unnecessary delays by having to send the dentures back to a laboratory which could be hundreds of miles away.

Dental implants and dentures

Implants are small titanium posts which replace the root of the natural tooth and anchor the denture.  The denture can be clipped, like a press stud, onto the implants for a fully secure fit that will not come loose.  The result is natural looking teeth with complete stability.  This procedure is designed to ensure the wearer can feel absolutely confident that the denture is the most comfortable and stable fit possible.

The new teeth will be professionally designed and arranged to provide for the most natural looking teeth possible, to compliment your existing teeth and mouth.  Your facial features will be assessed and be a huge part of the design process when manufacturing your dentures.  We even offer teeth whitening services to ensure a balanced and complete look to assist you achieve your perfect smile with absolute confidence.

How do I know if denture implants are suitable for me?

There are several factors that dictate this, such as price, preference, and the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.  Unfortunately implant retained dentures are not always suitable for everyone, despite the fact that they are a very popular choice.

Implants require healthy gums and enough bone mass to securely place the titanium supporting screw.  At The Denture Practice we have the skills and expertise to fit dentures to existing denture implants, subject to us having confidence with the implants.  It is important to note that surgical fitting of implants can be carried out by an implant surgeon should you prefer.