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Implant Supported Dentures

The Denture Practice is a private dentures clinic based in Wolverhampton.

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Why Consider Implant-Supported Dentures at The Denture Practice?

Implant-supported dentures at The Denture Practice provide a secure and stable fit, allowing you to engage in everyday activities like eating, talking, and laughing without the worry of your dentures coming loose.

These dentures are removable, making them convenient for brushing and flossing, which is especially beneficial for those with limited dexterity or significant bone loss.

Difficulties with Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures, which rely on natural gum shape for support, have been a long-standing solution for many.

However, they can cause issues for some wearers. The lower denture, for instance, may be dislodged by tongue movement, leading to discomfort and potential embarrassment. Traditional dentures can cause discomfort over time as the gums are not naturally equipped to support them, which can lead to further deterioration of the gum tissue and even the loss of more teeth. While upper dentures generally have better retention, they can sometimes cover the palate, diminishing the pleasure of eating and drinking.

Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures

These include:

  • Enhanced chewing ability and improved taste sensation
  • Elimination of sore spots and uncomfortable pressure points
  • Better speech clarity and functionality
  • Improved digestion and overall health benefits
  • These dentures do not cover the palate

Enhancing Denture Retention with Dental Implants

Dental implants are a game-changer in retaining dentures securely.

These small titanium screws are implanted into the jawbone, acting like natural tooth roots. Titanium is biocompatible and integrates with the jawbone through osseointegration. This results in implants that feel and look incredibly natural. Implant-supported dentures offer superior stability and comfort, help to preserve jawbone volume, and deliver a more natural appearance. These dentures are designed to match your existing teeth and facial structure, potentially enhanced with cosmetic treatments for a fully natural and confident smile.

Are You Suitable for Denture Implants?

Implant-supported dentures are a popular choice but may not be suitable for everyone.

For successful implant placement, healthy gums and sufficient jawbone density are required. At The Denture Practice, we can fit dentures onto existing implants. For the surgical fitting of new implants, we can refer you to a skilled implant surgeon who will expertly handle your treatment needs.