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Removable Partial Dentures

The Denture Practice is a private dentures clinic based in Wolverhampton.

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What are removable partial dentures?

Removable partial dentures, often made from acrylic, metal, or nylon, serve as a solution for replacing missing teeth. These dentures, which can be easily attached or removed, are designed to fit snugly over the gums.

They come in two varieties: complete dentures for a full set of teeth, and partial dentures, ideal for filling spaces where only a few teeth are missing. The latter typically includes clasps that securely attach to your existing teeth, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits. Partial dentures are tailored for both front and back teeth, offering versatility and customization.

Functionality of Partial Dentures

These dentures do more than just improve appearance; they also aid in speech and eating, restoring confidence in those with missing teeth.

Partial dentures are a targeted solution, especially for those who either prefer not to have dental implants due to cost or discomfort, or for whom implants are not a viable option. Modern dentures in the UK have evolved significantly from older versions, being more durable and long-lasting, provided they are well-maintained.

Custom Fitting of Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are specifically crafted to address the absence of a few teeth, using materials like plastic, metal, or nylon for the base plate.

The design process involves detailed measurements of the mouth to ensure a perfect fit and prevent damage to adjacent teeth. Your dental professional will guide you in selecting the most suitable material, balancing cost and comfort.

Adapting to and Caring for Partial Dentures

Initially, eating with partial dentures may require a soft diet, avoiding certain foods like gum, sticky or hard items, or anything with sharp edges.

Gradually, you can return to a normal diet. Proper care of these dentures is essential, including regular cleaning and soaking in a suitable solution. Keeping them moist when not worn is crucial to maintain their shape.

Oral Hygiene with Partial Dentures

Maintaining oral hygiene is equally important.

Regular brushing of your remaining teeth, gums, and tongue, as advised by dental professionals, helps prevent oral diseases. Remember, the health of your existing teeth and gums contributes to the overall effectiveness and comfort of your partial dentures.