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Same Day Dentures

The Denture Practice is a private dentures clinic based in Wolverhampton.

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Introduction to Same-Day Dentures

Same-day dentures, also referred to as 'immediate dentures', offer a seamless transition for those undergoing tooth extractions.

They are tailored to fill the void immediately after teeth are removed, providing a significant boost to confidence by ensuring individuals do not have to endure a toothless period.

Procedure for Same-Day Dentures

The process begins with a Clinical Dental Technician taking a detailed primary impression of the patient's mouth using a mould.

This step is followed by a secondary impression, bite registration, and shade selection, all conducted within a single appointment. These comprehensive steps are crucial for crafting dentures that are custom-fitted and ready for placement on the same day as the tooth extraction.

Benefits and Considerations for Same-Day Dentures

Same-day dentures are a practical solution for those needing urgent dental replacements.

They maintain the aesthetic appearance and function immediately, allowing individuals to continue their normal activities without interruption. These dentures also serve to protect the gums during the healing process and assist in maintaining the structure of the cheeks and facial profile.

Benefits and Considerations for Same-Day Dentures

Same-day dentures are a practical solution for those needing urgent dental replacements.

They maintain the aesthetic appearance and function immediately, allowing individuals to continue their normal activities without interruption. These dentures also serve to protect the gums during the healing process and assist in maintaining the structure of the cheeks and facial profile.

It’s important to note that while same-day dentures provide immediate benefits, they may require adjustments as the gums heal and reshape. This might involve dietary modifications to accommodate the healing period. Once healing is complete, a new set of dentures is often recommended for a more refined fit.

Keeping up with all scheduled clinic appointments after the fitting of same-day dentures is critical for ensuring they align properly and the healing process progresses smoothly.

Same-Day Dentures vs. Conventional Dentures

Advantages of Same Day Dentures:

  • Maintain a seamless dental appearance right after teeth are removed.
  • Allow for the swift return of clear speech and normal eating capabilities.
  • Offer protection to the sites of tooth removal, aiding in the recovery process.
Disadvantages of Same Day Dentures:

  • Might need additional adjustments and follow-ups.
  • Could be more costly since immediate dentures are an added cost on top of the permanent ones.
  • Initially, they might not be as comfortable due to changes in your mouth after the teeth are taken out.
Advantages of Conventional Dentures:

  • Generally cost-effective over time with fewer adjustments
  • Custom-fitted to a fully healed mouth for optimal comfort and stability
Disadvantages of Conventional Dentures:

  • The significant waiting period without teeth.
  • Potential impact on daily life and facial aesthetics during the healing phase

Maintaining Same-Day Dentures

Proper maintenance begins by keeping the dentures in place for the initial 24-hour period. Subsequent care involves thorough cleaning several times a day to prevent complications. Regular clinic visits are essential for checking the fit and position of the dentures.

Consultation with a Clinical Dental Technician is essential when deciding on immediate versus conventional dentures, ensuring a choice that aligns with your healing process, budget, and lifestyle requirements. They can provide customised advice to ensure the longevity and comfort of your dental solution.