How do dental technicians choose your teeth - Skip to main content

At the Denture Practice we believe that it is important to listen to our patients when selecting teeth for your dentures. Our dental technicians are highly trained to choose the best teeth for your mouth while ensuring that you are guided through the selection process without having to worry about the technical issues.

Learn more about how a dental technician decides what teeth are best for you here.

They will ask you questions

Getting dentures is a wonderful opportunity for you to get the smile you want and the confidence that this can bring. Our dental technicians will guide you through this process by asking you questions to make sure they get it just right for you. They will help you consider the colour and shape you may wish to have, how natural you want your teeth to look and what is the main function (e.g. cosmetic, functional or a bit of both).

There are many technical decisions your clinician will need to make when choosing teeth, some of which we explain below. The good news is something you do not need to worry about.

They will examine how many teeth you have remaining

If some of your natural teeth are remaining, our clinicians will ensure that we use material for the dentures that come into contact with your teeth that will not be worn down by them. They will also consider whether or not you have modifications such as crowns and bridges when considering which material to use.

Your facial aesthetics and function of your jaw will be considered

It is important to us that your dentures fit properly and are not dislodged when carrying our normal activities such as eating. Normal teeth have deeply ridged cusps which do not allow you to move your teeth when your mouth is closed. However, if dentures were made like this they are likely to be dislodged when you eat as they are not fixed in place. Your clinician will ensure that the teeth in your dentures have the right cusp shape to help ensure they can move correctly against each other and therefore stay in place.

Your oral cavity will be examined

When a person with teeth eats, the pressure on the roots of the teeth stimulates the jaw bone and keeps it healthy. However, if you do not have teeth, jaw bone resorption will occur causing it to shrink. This will influence choices your clinician will make regarding how your dentures are made and who your teeth need to sit against each other.

The Denture Practice can help!

Our friendly team is always at home to answer all your denture queries and to expertly guide you through the process of selecting the right dentures for you.

Remember, it’s not just any smile… it’s your smile.

For more information call us today on 01902 902114 or if preferres get in touch via the Contact Form.