Should I repair or replace my dentures? The Denture Practice Skip to main content

Should I repair or replace my dentures if they get damaged?

We understand that our patients have invested substantially in their dentures and well cared for dentures should last for between 5-10 years. However, accidents do happen and a denture can crack, fracture or have a tooth break off.  When this happens it is time to consider whether you attempt to fix your denture yourself, get it repaired professionally or replace them with new ones.

Always have your denture repaired professionally.

When your denture does break we always advise patients to have their denture repaired professionally. As we have explained before, any glue, even those from denture repair kits, adds material between the fractured pieces and causes the denture to change shape and alter the fit. Superglue is even worse as in addition to this it will damage the acrylic and is mildly poisonous. Only a professional is trained and has the correct tools and materials to fix a denture safely.

Why should I check for fit when having my denture repaired?

The fit of your denture may change over time. In some instances this may be because the denture has changed shape due to previous repairs using glue in others they may have been exposed to heat which has distorted the shape. It may also be due to changes in your mouth. Whether we like it or not we age, bone resorption occurs or we may gain or lose weight which impacts our gums and surrounding tissues. Change in fit can impact your oral health, smile and overall confidence.

When you bring your denture in for a repair, or for additional teeth to be added post extraction, your clinical dental technician can take a quick impression and check the fit of your denture. It is quick and easy to do and an ideal time as you are already visiting the clinician.

How do I decide whether to replace or repair?

After having checked the fit of your denture, your clinician can explain the quality of the fit of your denture, the cost of the repair, the cost of replacement and the benefits of either.

Depending on the extent of additions and repairs, the cost difference may be marginal and getting new dentures may be preferable as it will improve the fit and give you up to 10 years of continued use along with our warranty. This will have the added benefits of a better prognosis for oral health, a more comfortable fit and a continued smile.  To find out more please call us on 01902 902114, or use the Contact Form to get in touch

Not just any smile… your smile.