Types of Dentures and the 5 Signs that You Need them Skip to main content

Many people in and around Wolverhampton put off getting dentures because they are concerned about comfort, dental procedures and looking after the dentures. The reality is that modern techniques have improved and there are many types of dentures now available so that the process is easy for the patient. Most importantly dentures can make your life easier as you will be able to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

So when is it time to get dentures? Here are 5 signs that you need to consider dentures.

You have loose teeth

Loose teeth are often a sign of severe gum disease which can have a significant impact on your health. If your teeth are loose we recommend seeing a professional as soon as possible as they may need to be removed before further damage is done.

You’re experiencing chronic toothache or have missing teeth

Chronic toothache is a clear sign that tooth decay has set in. While early detection will allow these teeth to be treated with a filling, if left for too long the only remedy will be to remove them.

If you have missing teeth, strain is put on the remaining teeth which increases the risk of losing more teeth. The fewer teeth you have the more you risk increased bone resorption. Bone resorption can be reduced through the use of dentures.

Do you have swollen or bleeding gums?

Most people suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives. If your gums are swollen or bleeding this is a clear sign that you have gum disease. Left untreated, gum disease will lead to tooth loss.

You cannot eat some kinds of food

Missing teeth, tooth decay, cracked or broken teeth and gum disease can all make it difficult to eat. Replacing severely damaged teeth with partial or full dentures will enable you to eat just about all foods with confidence.

You lack the confidence to smile

Often people with damaged or missing teeth are afraid to smile which can impact their self confidence. Obtaining a set of dentures to replace these gaps will allow you to smile knowing that your teeth look good.

For more informtion about dentures and the different types of dentures now available in and around Wolverhampton please call us on 01902 902114 or, if preferred use the contact page to get in touch.

Not just any smile.. your smile.