Why Upgrade Dentures to Implant-Retained Dentures Skip to main content

If you are considering acquiring dentures for the first time, or replacing your existing dentures, it is worth considering implant-retained dentures. While these may be a little more expensive than conventional dentures, they can be far cheaper than full implants.

For those not ready to take on the additional cost, talk to our clinicians about obtaining dentures that can be converted to implants at a later date.

This post explores the advantages of upgrading from traditional dentures to implant-retained dentures.

Our top 3 reasons for upgrading to implant-retained dentures

These dentures offer enhanced stability, improved speech and better oral health due to prevention of bone loss.

But there is more! As implant dentures do not have a plate they are less bulky and easy to wear than traditional dentures, improve taste and smell and are ideal for those prone to gagging.

Better stability

Traditional dentures sit directly on the gum and are held in place by the suction that is caused between the surface of the denture plate and the gum and oral tissue. Some patients use denture adhesive for further stability of the denture.

Implant dentures attach to implant sscrews that are fused to the jawbone making the denture practically as secure as natural healthy teeth and leaves you secure in the knowledge that the denture will not slip or fall out.

Speech enhancement

Patients who use traditional dentures typically take some time to adjust to talking with confidence while wearing their dentures.

However, given the stability of implant-retained dentures and the more natural transmission of soundwaves via the jaw, patients who use implant-retained dentures find their ability to speak normally enhanced.

Less bone loss

The jawbone’s natural function is to support teeth. When teeth are lost, the jawbone is no longer stimulated which leads to bone resorption (or bone loss) which alters the shape of the mouth and leads to your dentures not fitting so well after a while.

Implants mimic the action of tooth roots and the enhanced stimulation reduces or stops deterioration of the jawbone. This has both aesthetic and health benefits.

Enhanced looks

While having functional teeth is of benefit, we understand that how dentures look is important too.

Not only can implant dentures be made to look realistic, but the benefits to the health of the tissues and bone and in your jaw can assist in creating a more balanced and natural look.

Simply wearing them will enhance your smile.

Are dental implants the right choice for you?

Depending on the health of your jawbone, implant-retained dentures might not be the right choice for you. However, if it is possible to have them, the benefits are significant and can justify the additional cost.

When next at The Denture Practice speak to your clinician about the possibility of upgrading to implant-retained dentures and, if you do not wish to do this immediately, about obtaining dentures that can be upgraded in future.  Call us today on 01902 902114 or use the contact page to get in touch.

We look forward to sending you home with a smile.

Not just any smile.. your smile